Self – Man’s Best friend, Creations Best Kept Secret.

by John Weddepohl Could ignoring our true selves be costing us the future? The creation we find ourselves in is always absolutely peaceful. Never in conflict, not a day goes by in the creation that is not absolutely perfect. So why do we human beings still keep struggling, getting conflicted? As our forebears have come … More Self – Man’s Best friend, Creations Best Kept Secret.

My life is Yoga

The first time I stepped on a yoga mat I had no idea where it would take me. I just thought it’s time to do this. At first, yoga happened in fits and starts. My chiropractor had been urging me to take yoga more seriously, but at that time as a dancer with daily classes, … More My life is Yoga

What is Self Knowledge

People wonder what the heck is Self-knowledge. I’d say nothing more profound or meaningful has ever happened to me. Nothing is more astounding or astonishing than discovering the Truth that is indeed your self. Until I learned आत्मा विद्या Atma Vidya from my teacher I too had no idea that something as important and meaningful … More What is Self Knowledge