It Happens at Hello

First impressions are everything when you’re just starting out as a yoga teacher. When I met my first teacher, Louisa Sear we were both at a creative dance class. I couldn’t help notice her back bending effortlessly to the pumping music. A few days later we met on the street. Her laugh was contagious. She … More It Happens at Hello

The 4 things I wish I’d known before taking my yoga teacher training

It’s a dog eat dog world out there when it comes to choosing your yoga teacher training. I was lucky. When I started studying to be a teacher there was no such thing. There was just me and my mentor. Lots of days spent watching, taking notes, carrying blocks and handing out straps. I learned … More The 4 things I wish I’d known before taking my yoga teacher training

The Road to Becoming

Over the holidays I revisited this piece of writing which captures my yoga studies in the early 90’s and realized it was a seminal turning point in my life as a yoga practitioner and something I wanted to share with you on the blog. It’s what inspired me to teach and later to teach teachers. … More The Road to Becoming

My life is Yoga

The first time I stepped on a yoga mat I had no idea where it would take me. I just thought it’s time to do this. At first, yoga happened in fits and starts. My chiropractor had been urging me to take yoga more seriously, but at that time as a dancer with daily classes, … More My life is Yoga

From little things BIG things Grow

When someone decides they want to do a yoga teacher training it’s a little like being pregnant. They are incredibly excited about whats about to take birth. They look for a course they feel suits them best and once enrolled do all the necessary things to prepare themselves. Like taking extra classes, reading lots of books, buying all the gear and so on. Once on the course they go for it. Like child rearing there is no time to stop, there are requirements to be fulfilled, asanas to learn, philosophical concepts to be swallowed and all sorts of personal realisation to be had. Whether the course is 4 weeks, 6 weeks or 14 days its seems as if time has swallowed them whole and at the end in the final circle they feel just like that empty nester. Now what? … More From little things BIG things Grow